A step-by-step guide to Personal Injury claims

Personal injury claims can be complex and overwhelming, but with the right guidance, you can navigate the process with confidence. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know, from the initial notification and investigation to settlement negotiations and court proceedings. So, whether you’re considering making a claim or you’re just curious about the process, read on to find out more. 


Step 1: Notification and Investigation 

Initially, we will be happy to provide honest advice on the merits of your claim and potential available compensation. Then, once we’ve been instructed to do so, we will notify the proposed Defendant who we believe to be responsible for your injury. They will then have a fixed time to investigate the claim.  


Step 2: Admitted Liability 

If liability is admitted, we will obtain medical evidence on your behalf, which may involve working with medical professionals, such as doctors and physical therapists. Our goal is to obtain as much information as possible about your injury, and to ensure you receive the best possible medical support throughout the process. 


Step 3: Settlement Negotiations 

Once we are satisfied that no further evidence is required, we will value your claim and enter settlement negotiations with the Defendant’s representatives. It’s important to note that settlement negotiations can be a lengthy and complex process. That’s why it’s essential to have a skilled negotiator on your side who understands the legal system and has experience working on complex cases for fair compensation.  


Step 4: Denied Liability 

If liability is denied by the Defendant, we will advise you on the merits of going to court to resolve the dispute. Going to court can be stressful and challenging, but we will be with you every step of the way, ensuring that you have the best possible chance of success.  

We hope this guide demystifies the process for you, but if you do still have any questions, perhaps about fees and ‘no win no fee’ agreements, or if you simply want to speak to one of our team about making a claim, you can contact Eamonn Sexton or Natasha Sharma, from our Personal Injury department.  


Head of Personal Injury, Eamonn Sexton 

Tel: 0151 522 1279 

Email: EamonnSexton@msbsolicitors.co.uk 


Paralegal, Natasha Sharma 

Tel: 0151 318 5702 

Email: NatashaSharma@msbsolicitors.co.uk 

Contact us, we are here to help

We’re here to help, so please pick up the phone or drop us an email and one of our dedicated team will help with your enquiry.