A day in the life of a Solicitor Apprentice

I always knew I wanted to qualify as a solicitor and my goal was to go through the traditional route of A Levels, degree, LPC and training contract. I was initially studying a Law degree at University of Liverpool, and after half of the first year had passed, I came to the realisation this was not the route I wanted to go down – I wanted to be working in a law firm, studying, and training. I then contacted MSB, as I had completed my work experience here and returned during summer holidays to assist the Allerton office and confided in Joanne Dalton as to whether there was any other route that I could take, which would still enable me to qualify as a solicitor.  

The Solicitor Apprenticeship was a new route that was being spoken about, so we enquired about it. After completing interviews, providing my A-Level results, completing assessments and statements, I got the offer to start this amazing new route to qualifying as a solicitor! 

Whilst I was doing my A-Levels I had a job that I would go to straight after sixth form, so I did already have experience in working and studying. However, doing a degree whilst working in a fast-paced law firm, were there is always something that needs to be done, is completely different. Working whilst studying has provided me with the ability to be able to train to be a solicitor, whilst studying for my law degree, and then in a year study for my two SQE exams. This was a much better route for me to go down because I didn’t like the fact that I was only studying for my degree at University of Liverpool, I was not actually training for the job that I wanted. I had part time jobs that were not providing me with the training and experience that I required.  

The degree is online, so we have to teach ourselves, which is hard, but it just means we have to be really committed. We have one day a week study day, and my day is a Monday. Currently I am studying equity and trusts, and access to justice.  

Most of the time, our modules match up with the type of work that I do day to day. For example, the access to justice module is beneficial as the type of work that I do is mainly legal aid, which is how our clients who can’t afford legal representation, have access to justice. With every different module, we have the studying to do which I do of a Monday and if I don’t get it finished, I will do it after work, and then we have a submission every Tuesday at 10am every week, for both modules.  

At the start of the course, it was really difficult having to submit two assignments every Tuesday, whilst balancing work, a social life and everything else, however it is just a matter of prioritising the important things and trying to work a week ahead with my submissions so I am never behind. 

I would recommend the Solicitor Apprenticeship because when somebody has left university, even if they have got the highest degree, if they don`t have the work experience that law firm recruiters look for, the chances of them obtaining a training contract are not very high. However, the Solicitor Apprenticeship has allowed me to have the experience and the training which is much more beneficial in my opinion. 

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