MSB’s Social Housing Highlight – December

Bringing you all the latest updates from the world of Social Housing.

As we approach the end of year, we would like to wish all of our clients, partners and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope you all enjoy your well-earned break!

2021 has been a busy year for the Social Housing Team at MSB, and here, we share just a few of our highlights with you…


We delivered over 16 free online training sessions to our clients 

Covid Changes

We have helped social housing providers to navigate the various COVID changes in legislation and guidance during 2021, providing legal assistance on repairs, housing management, compliance, ASB and enforcement 


We have shared weekly legal articles, keeping clients updated with changes in legislation and case law.  

Team Expansion

We welcomed two brilliant new solicitors to the team, along with two new trainee solicitorsparalegal and an admin assistant. They’ve all been incredible additions. 


We have welcomed new clients in 2021, working with even more social housing providers, whilst also expanding our Private Landlord Department.  


Always looking for ways to support the causes we care about, this year we raised money for the Anthony Walker Foundation, the Mary Seacole Statue as part of our Black History Month Campaign, and bought instruments for a local school. We also donated Easter eggs, school uniforms and selection boxes to social housing providers to distribute in their local areas.  


The team have celebrated special birthdays, a wedding, two promotions and some amazing exam results. We also hosted our annual event at Evuna – thanks to everyone who came!

What is in store for 2022? 

We will be continuing to keep you updated with weekly articles on changes in legislation, case law updates and helpful tips, along with our free monthly webinars. The first one of these is on the 5th January 2022 oWitness Statements in ASB Injunctions. If you would like to book your place, please contact 
As always, the team is also available for bespoke training, so please do get in touch if you would like to find out more. 
Please note: Our offices will be closed from 5pm on 23rd December 2021 until 9am on 4th January 2022. We will be available to deal with arrests during this time. Please use our out of hours contact number of 07516508387. 
Thank you.

Contact us, we are here to help

We’re here to help, so please pick up the phone or drop us an email and one of our dedicated team will help with your enquiry.

We have a broad range of expertise that can help you